Greetings from “The Home” front …
Our resident and staff food drive during the last two weeks was a great success – thank you to everyone that participated. I know the MayPort Food Pantry will appreciate your efforts as will many of the people in our community who use the food pantry.
It’s been another busy week here at “the home” – Sunday started out with Down Memory Lane. The residents reminisced about what they did during the winter when they were children – sledding, ice skating and still having to do farm chores in the cold weather. Monday was Martin Luther King’s birthday so we learned about the history surrounding this famous man and his “I Have a Dream” speech. Later there was KING categories which was a brain/mind challenge and then Bingo in the evening. Tuesday brought Newscurrents and Knock Your Socks Off. Plus, Who Am I?? Staff read a description of a famous person and the residents tried to guess who it was. There was Name That Tune on Wednesday followed by Crafts in the afternoon. The residents created a snowman picture with felt cut outs and rubber stamps. Staff also went shopping at Dollar General and Millers for resident requests. On Thursday we played Wheel of Fortune and the ladies got their nails done at Pretty Nails. There was also a rousing game of Bunco and Bingo in the evening. What a fun filled Day! After church on Friday, it was time for our Ice Cream Festival featuring various ice creams and toppings including nuts, cherries, M&Ms and crumbled Oreos. Needless to say, a fun time was had by all! A HUGE thank you to Thrivent and Bang Church for making this fun event happen for everyone at LMH. We worked off those calories on Saturday with Sit & Be Fit in the morning followed by Bingo and Darts in the afternoon.
Next week ChiChi will be here on Sunday for Karaoke – we always get a big turnout for that! On Monday we will try to Finish the Phrase in the morning and a Good Luck party to employee Jennifer Almanza, who worked at LMH for almost 14 years. Best of luck on your next adventures! We will also play Jeopardy and Bingo later in the day…another busy fun day!! We have Newscurrents on Tuesday and then Snow Shovel Races followed by Animal Facts. There will be Choir on Wednesday morning and then crafts in the afternoon. Thursday brings Bible Study with Pastor Deb, followed by Pretty Nails. We have a new activity called Zig Zag Zoom – hmmm will have to tell you next week what that was all about. Sounds interesting tho! After Church on Friday, we will have Legion Bingo, we are excited to have them!
We have several people to thank for all the things they have done for our residents in Sun Center Assisted Living Apartments. A super big shout out THANK YOU to Linda Kaldor and Peggy Fyre! Linda has been supplying treats for the residents down there during their coffee time and this Christmas she gave each Sun Center resident a jar of chokecherry jam – that is like North Dakota Gold around here! Peggy also brings treats and birthday cake as a way to honor her father George Brustad and to celebrate his life. I know the Sun Center residents appreciate all that you do for them.
Another big THANK YOU goes out to Elroy Lindaas and Lute Simley who came and played guitar and sang for everyone at Sun Center. What was supposed to be an hour performance turned into 2 hours – the residents couldn’t get enough of that good music. Thank you, guys, for all you do for those assisted living residents. We hope that our activity room and activities will someday be open again for Sun Center residents to join us here at LMH.
We have one resident birthday next week- Happy Birthday on January 25th to Lorraine Olson. There are three staff birthdays also – Dawn Demarce on January 27th, Roxee Wellcome on January 30 and Codi Krueger on January 31st. Best Wishes to all of you and enjoy your special day!
Until next time … a thought for the week … When Things Go Wrong, don’t go with them.