Greetings from "The Home" front
It sure feels like fall these days, those temperatures are really dropping! We are staying warm at LMH though and are enjoying the fall colors from afar. Our activities staff did decorate the outside of the building and in the courtyard. We have so many fun pumpkins to get us in the autumn and Halloween spirit! A big thank you to Portland Junction Garden for having such a wonderful pumpkin selection to share with our community.
On Sunday, Lysa was here to play the piano in the chapel. Residents seemed to enjoy this little afternoon concert. We had a reading of All About Owls on Monday followed by Men’s Club. The men gathered for a snack and some fun movie facts. We also played a dice game and of course ended the day with Bingo. Tuesday brought Newscurrents and accordion music by Paul Swanstrom. On Wednesday, we started the day off with a word game in the morning and then Chichi and Deb helped residents make a cute fall gnome to hang on everyone’s doors. Staff also went shopping for the residents. Thursday brought Bible Study with Pastor Deb in the morning and some brain challenges in the afternoon as everyone played a categories game and a round of “Who Am I?”. Pastor Deb was back for Church on Friday morning and then we gathered for Happy ½ Hour in the afternoon. Saturday brings Sit & Be Fit, Bingo and Wheel of Fortune.
We will play a round of Jeopardy on Sunday. Monday brings us a word game in the morning and filling treat bags with candy in the afternoon. We are so excited to share that we are welcoming trick or treaters into the building this year! Residents will be ready to hand out candy in their doorways. Please come show us your costumes, we will have plenty of candy! We will have NewsCurrents on Tuesday morning and then Chichi is bringing some supplies to make sushi in the afternoon for Kitchen Capers. That will be a fun experience for the residents! Wednesday brings a time to reminisce with Down Memory Lane and then the ladies will get their nails painted in the afternoon. Staff will also go shopping for the residents. Thursday we will talking about music throughout time in the morning and then have another special musical guest; Steve Worner will be here to play piano and sing for us. Pastor Deb is here for Church on Friday morning and then we will have some Legion and VFW members here for $$Bingo$$.
Our sympathies go out to the family of June Hanson, who passed away on October 12. June was always so great to visit with. She loved looking at the wonderful pictures her family had for her and she always shared her love of flowers with everyone. June will be missed.
There are no resident birthdays this week and three staff members celebrating – Carol Lande on October 24th, Elyssa Heppner on October 25th, and Emma Lande on October 27th. Happy Birthday to all of you and enjoy your special day!
Until next time …. A thought for the week …. Celebrate any progress. Don’t wait to get perfect.