Greetings from “The Home” front …
Another week has gone by and everyone here at LMH is in the mood for SPRING – no more snow please! The residents played Crosswords on Sunday afternoon – it was another hard puzzle but we managed to get through it! ChiChi read Newscurrents to start off Monday morning and we had a good turnout for Show and Tell. Merwin Lyng brought several antique items to talk about – a very unique pencil sharpener for slate pencils, my favorite was a shoe stretcher for bunions (patented 1897) and also several vintage sugar nippers. All very interesting. Other items that residents brought included a special quilt, snow globe given by a favorite grandson to his grandmother, cute solar powered bobbleheads, an antique airplane bank that a resident got at a rummage sale years ago – now worth $50 plus dollars. Truman brought a small-scale model tractor just like the big one he drove on his farm. We also had a musical bunny that played an Elvis song! Later on, the residents completed the song titles to favorite songs from the 30s and 40s and also learned the history of those songs. We had Bingo in the evening. Tuesday, we set up for our rummage sale in the morning and then had music in the dining room by Paul Swanstrom. Wednesday was Rummage Sale Day and were there lots of items to choose from. Everyone had a good time picking out clothes and getting a good bargain. Pastor Deb was here for Bible Study on Thursday morning and we had an Easter Bonnet Parade in the afternoon. There was also Bingo in the evening. Father Bob led Catholic Mass first thing Friday morning, followed by our Protestant Church service with Pastor Deb. The ladies got their nails done at Pretty Nails in the afternoon. Dakota will be here for Sit & Be Fit on Saturday followed by Bingo.
ChiChi will lead Karaoke on Sunday afternoon. We always get a good turnout for our would-be singers. There is Bunco on Monday morning and then Easter Egg Dying in the afternoon. We also have a Resident Council meeting, followed by Bingo. It will be a busy Monday to start the week. There is Newscurrents on Tuesday and then an Easter Egg Hunt in the afternoon. We will also learn fun facts All About the Easter Bunny. Did you know that the Easter bunny first arrived in America in the 1700s with German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania! Lysa will play for Choir on Wednesday morning and then our crafty residents will make Easter cards during crafts in the afternoon. Staff will also go shopping for our residents. On Maundy Thursday we have a new activity call Scrambled Eggs followed by Pretty Nails and Easter Jeopardy. There is also Bingo in the evening. We have Mass and Church on Friday morning and then a Palm Braiding Demonstration in the afternoon. That should be interesting.
Only one birthday next week – staff member Shelby Moore on April 16th.
We are saddened by the passing of three of our residents this week. Bonnie Jacobson on April 1st, Gary Volk on April 2nd and Loretta Knudson on April 4th. Bonnie enjoyed listening to music, watching TV and getting hand massages. Gary’s favorite activity was watching old time Westerns on TV and visiting with staff. Loretta passed away unexpectedly after visiting with staff and enjoying a morning snack. She liked to visit with staff about the view from her room and was looking forward to seeing the flowers bloom in the courtyard outside her window. Rest in Peace Bonnie, Gary and Loretta.
Until next time … a thought for the week …Don’t be a prisoner of your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence …