Greetings from “The Home” front …

On Monday some of our residents took advantage of the good weather and went on a sightseeing van trip around Portland and Mayville.  They were especially interested in seeing all the lovely homes in Riverwood and the new housing construction there.  Of course, the trip would not be complete without a stop at MA’s drive in for ice cream cones.   While we were gone, other residents had an old fashioned spelling bee.  Congratulations to the Tigers who beat the Lions by one more correctly spelled word!  It was a close match right to the end.  There was also bingo in the evening after supper.  Tuesday brought Sit & Be Fit and Rhythm Band.  We had a special event on Wednesday when both the Mayville and Portland senior citizens clubs came to a card party in the dining room. We had several tables playing various card games.  Thank you to everyone that participated – our residents sure enjoy having company and playing cards.  Earlier in the morning we played Name That tune with Nancy..  After Bible Study on Thursday our Kitchen Capper crew made individual veggie pizzas.  This delicious treat is easy to make but also very healthy too.  The residents chopped fresh tomatoes, cauliflower, peppers, carrots and other veggies, then spread cream cheese on a Wasa bread base, sprinkled on the chopped veggies and enjoyed.  I think I will make these at home – it sounds especially good in this hot hot weather.  Friday brought mass and church in the morning followed by pretty nails and happy half hour in the afternoon.  In addition to Bingo on Monday and Thursday evenings, we have started to feature movies on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Residents have been able to request special movies and see great hits from the past.  There is Kaffee Hus on Saturday and Sunday from 2-3:30 in the dining room – stop in (we have air conditioning!!!) and enjoy some coffee and treats and a visit with old friends.  There will be real bingo in the activity room at 2 p.m. and then our 3 p.m. Saturday movie matinee is “The Thornbirds”.  I read the book several years ago and the movie was just as good. You will definitely want to see it.

We have a SUPER BIG important event next week – our FAMILY PICNIC!!!  It is on Wednesday from 5-7 in the courtyard and picnic shelter.  There will be lots of food and special music by Larry Charon – we hope you can attend.  It is a great chance to spend time with your loved one and visit with other families.

In addition to the family picnic on Wednesday – we have several other activities going on next week.  On Monday there is newscurrents in the morning and another sightseeing van trip.  We try to go on as many van trips as possible while the weather is still nice. There is also crosswords, lotion in motion and bingo.  Tuesday brings Sit & Be Fit, Rhythm Band and a movie in the evening.  We have the Price is Right on Wednesday morning and crafts with Molly in the afternoon. The residents will be decoupaging small vases for their rooms. PLUS the family picnic in the evening.  Thursday brings reading in the morning with pretty nails and lemonade on the patio in afternoon.  Oh my – it’s already getting toward the end of the month because the American Legion/VFW will be here on Friday (the 24th) to play money bingo with our residents.  We also have church in the morning.

Two resident birthdays next week – Happy Birthday Avis Karlstad on August 18 and Helen Sharpe on August 22. We also have several upcoming staff birthdays – Laurice VanZee and Hannah Ellegaard on August 19, Harley Parrow on August 21, Megan Evans on August 22, Jaclyn Rindy, Roxanne Rindy and Connie Christianson on August 23 and Taylyn Thompson on August 24.  Best wishes to all of you and enjoy your special day!

Until next time… a thought for the week …we rise by lifting others …