Greetings from “The Home” front …

We are not letting this cold winter weather get to us as we are busy here inside LMH enjoying lots of fun activities. On Sunday Molly was here to play trivia with our residents. For instance, did you know that you can use tulip bulbs in place of onions in a soup. I think I will take the author’s word for that and not try it in my next soup entrée. The Food Committee met on Monday morning and then Andrea shared the local happenings during news currents. There was card and board games to be played in the afternoon and ice cream cones in the afternoon, residents had their choice between 4 flavors, chocolate swirl seemed to be the favorite. Of course, there was bingo in the evening. Tuesday brought Sit & Be Fit in the morning and we had a special treat at Rhythm Band when Elaine Klath was here to play the piano. There was lots of clapping and toe tapping when she “tickles the ivories”. Thank you Elaine, it is always good to see you. Nancy was back on Wednesday for Name That Tune and later on we played Bunco. At the December Resident Council meeting the residents agreed to try have an additional morning activity on Saturday so now we do shopping for them on Wednesday afternoon. We are sure going to miss ShopKo. Pastor Dianne came Thursday morning to lead Bible Study.

Several of the residents then ordered their dinner from LaCantina as a special event/activity. They all agreed that it was a nice change and definitely want to do it again. Paul Swanstrom was here in the afternoon to provide a wonderful musical concert – again there was lots of clapping and toe tapping. Thanks, Paul, for sharing your talent with us. There is Mass and Church on Friday morning followed by Pretty Nails and Happy ½ hour in the afternoon. On Saturday Denise will read stories during Reading Time and the residents will play Bingo in the afternoon. There is also Kaffee Hus from 2-3:30 in the dining room on both Saturday and Sunday. Our Saturday movie matinee is “The Lucy Show”. This video shows clips from some of Lucille Ball’s famous skits – who can forget the Vega-Mite disaster with Lucy and Ethel!! We will also be playing Crosswords on Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m.

Next week we start out with Newscurrents and Card & Board games on Monday. Monday is also Martin Luther King Jr Day and we will have an observance sharing the beliefs of this important man in history. After Sit & Be Fit on Tuesday it will be time for the Auxiliary Birthday party hosted by Aurdal church. There is choir on Wednesday morning and then Mary and her quilting gang will be here Wednesday afternoon. I understand they are working on darling “mug rugs” for the residents to use as a to place to put their coffee cup. Thursday January 24 is National Compliment Day and we start out with reading with Elaine. She always does such a good job with her interesting reading choices (how was that for a compliment!). In the afternoon the activity dept will be making and serving popcorn to the residents and staff – this is a popular event that everyone enjoys. The popcorn is always fresh and delicious (see, another compliment) We also have pretty nails later on and bingo in the evening. There is mass and church on Friday and then the American Legion/VFW will be here to play money bingo with the residents.

Also next week it is National Activities Professionals week. We would like to thank the activity staff for all they do for Luther Memorial Home and its residents. You truly bring smiles to others and make a difference! God Bless each and every one of you.

We have two resident birthdays next week – Kathy Thomas on January 20 and Marlan Fugleberg on January 22nd. Sun Center Resident Walter Rindy celebrates his 102 birthday on January 24th and Lorraine Gotteberg has her birthday on January 25th. We also have three staff birthdays next week – Administrator Brett Ulrich on January 20th, Cindy Gee also on January 20th and Audrey Beltran on January 21st. Happy Birthday to all of you and enjoy your special day.