Greetings from “The Home” front …
Hey – how about sending some of that 70 degree weather my way – I am still out in soggy Washington and it hasn’t changed since last week! However, LMH seems to be running just fine while I am on vacation.
On Monday the residents enjoyed newscurrents and a van trip around the area. Other residents played cards and later in the afternoon there was a new activity called “Make a Wish”. It was interesting to hear what various residents wished for besides good health for themselves and their families and world peace. Tuesday brought Sit & Be Fit in the morning and then it was time for the Auxiliary Birthday Party with Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church. There was great entertainment by MPCG 3rd graders under the Direction of Lori Nelson and delicious assorted cakes were enjoyed. Our County Fair was on Wednesday and what an absolutely fun day that was! The activities dept and all of LMH staff really outdid themselves – there was canned goods, baked goods, crafts, flower arrangements, amazing photographs and everything you have at a fair. The residents were able to play games in the dining room and eat funnel cakes. Nancy did a balloon twisting demonstration to round out the afternoon. It was amazing how she got the balloons into animal shapes. We also had bingo in the evening. There was Name That Tune on Thursday morning followed by crafting in the afternoon. Father Bob was here for mass on Friday morning, followed by Pastor Diane with a Protestant service. The dining room was full for $$$ Bingo with the American Legion/VFW. The residents really look forward to the end of the month when they come to play bingo with us. Saturday brings a demonstration by resident Kim Plank – he will be showing and talking about building electrical circuits. We will play “Hot Potato” in the afternoon – that is such a fun game with lots of giggling and laughter. Don’t forget Kaffee Hus from 2-3:30 on both Saturday and Sunday in the dining room. We also will have our 3 p.m. Movie Matinee in the activity room.
Pam is here on Sunday for a Sing Along in the chapel at 2 p.m. There is newscurrents on Monday morning followed by cards with members of the Portland, Mayville and Finley senior centers. Then it’s horseshoes later in the afternoon – many of our residents are great horseshoe players. And there is bingo in the evening. Tuesday brings Sit & Be Fit in the morning and Rhythm Band in the afternoon. Our word association game called “Just Saying” is at 10 a.m. on Wednesday followed by Bunco at 2 p.m. Pastor Diane is here for Bible Study on Thursday morning and we are having a bridal Shower for Cindy Gee in the afternoon. Cindy is a CNA here at LMH. We wish her the best of everything. We will also be playing Noodle Ball later in the day and of course Bingo in the evening. After church services on Friday it’s Pretty Nails and Happy ½ hour.
Ron Jacobson of Jacobson’s Studio will be here on Wednesday October 2nd to take pictures of any veteran who would like their photo taken. Ron does a special Veteran’s Display in November. I saw it last year and it was fabulous – he does such a great job capturing the veteran’s faces! Thank you Ron.
It is not too early to mark your calendar for Wednesday October 16th – the Lions Club is sponsoring a supper in Sun Center to help raise funds to purchase another therapy dog. Scooby is doing well but getting older, so it is time we start fundraising and planning for a successor dog. It does take some time to find the right dog. Scooby and the successor dog will both have been trained by Service Dogs of America out of Judd ND. The event will be held in Sun Center East Dining room from 5-7 with the menu BBQ’s, Chips and Bars. We hope those of you in the community will help support this worthwhile endeavor. Our residents get so much pleasure from visits by therapy dog. Their faces light up whenever they see him.
Our sympathy goes out to resident Helen Sharpe on the passing of her son Howard last week. May he rest in peace and finally be free of pain.
Until next time … a thought for the week … If you are too busy to laugh – then you are too busy.