Greetings from “The Home” front …
Congratulations to Gloria and Gene Beddekker who were crowned our LMH Valentine King and Queen at our annual Valentine Party last week. I know you both will do a great job representing LMH at various events this coming year.
Monday started out with newsccurents , card and board games and President’s Day trivia – did you know James Madison was the shortest president at 5’4” and weighing only 100 lbs. There was also bingo in the evening. Tuesday brought Sit & Be Fit in the morning followed by Rhythm Band in the afternoon. On Wednesday Nancy played the piano for Name That Tune and then during crafts the residents made heart window clings. Pastor Dianne was here for Bible Study Thursday morning and we played Bunco in the afternoon. Several ladies got their nails done during pretty nails. After mass and church on Friday the American Legion and VFW came to play money bingo with our residents. We always have a good turnout for that plus a delicious light lunch afterward. Andrea is doing reading Saturday morning and then playing trivia later on. The Saturday movie matinee is excerpts from “The Lucy Show” – we can only imagine what trouble Lucy and Ethel manage to get into. They were both great comedians. There is also Kaffee Hus from 2-3:30 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday in the dining room – come and enjoy a cup of coffee, a treat and visit with our residents.
We would also like to thank the various Sunday school, schools and 4-H groups that provided valentines for our residents last week. Your efforts brought smiles to many faces. Thank you for thinking of us here at LMH.
Next week – the last week of February- can you believe it! – starts out with Newscurrents and Card and Board Games on Monday. We will also play three of the same (a word association game) and then bingo in the evening. It’s time for the auxiliary Birthday Party honoring residents with February birthdays on Tuesday afternoon. Bruflat is the hostess and have arranged for the Hayshakers to play. It’s a good thing we have Sit & Be Fit in the morning because I know those Bruflat ladies make wonderful desserts. We have choir on Wednesday morning and then Mary and her quilting gang will be here Wednesday afternoon to work with our residents on a quilt they are making together. The quilt features squares that form a scotty dog – the residents picked out fabric squares and Mary’s gang have been busy at home sewing the pieces together. Everything is starting to come together and it will be such a cute quilt/wall hanging. It’s Men’s club on Thursday morning and in the afternoon, we have a special event – a cooking demonstration (and hopefully tasting!). Friday is March 1st already – we have church in the morning followed by Pretty Nails and Happy ½ Hour.
We have two resident birthdays next week – Delores Holden on February 24th and Ardis Storebo on February 27th. Four staff members finish out the month with birthdays – Heather Satrom (Feb 25), Josaphina Juarez (Feb 26), Sue Edwardson (Feb 27) and Laura Aanstad (Feb 28). Happy Birthday and Best Wishes to all of you – enjoy your special day!
Until next time… a thought for the week … be thankful for the difficult people in your life for they have shown you who you do not want to be