Greetings from “The Home” front -
Hope you are enjoying the nice weather as summer is winding down and we begin looking forward to Fall and its lovely colors.
Some of our residents enjoyed a shopping trip to Dollar General on Monday afternoon. Judging by the smiles on their faces and the number of packages in the van, they had a good time shopping. There was newscurrents on Monday morning and Bingo in the evening. Tuesday brought Sit & Be Fit and Rhythm Band. Nancy played the piano for Name That Tune on Wednesday morning and then we played my favorite game – Bunco! Later on, we had a bean bag toss out on the patio. Rumor has it we will be holding a Corn Hole Challenge next month – that should be fun! Elaine did reading Thursday morning and the ladies got their nails done in the afternoon. We also served Shirley Temples out on the patio. And, of course, there was bingo in the evening. After Mass and Church on Friday, it was time for American Legion/VWF $$$ bingo! This is a very popular event and we always get a large turnout! After coffee on Saturday, our residents will get creative by composing poetry. In the afternoon there is 5-Square which is a word association game – another of my favorites. We have started our Saturday afternoon movies again. This week feature will be shown at 3 p.m. in the activity room. Don’t forget there is also Kaffee Hus from 2-3:30 on both Saturday and Sunday in the dining room.
We start out next week with Crosswords at 2 p.m. on Sunday in the activity room. Monday brings newscurrents and a van trip to see the sights around Portland/Mayville. This also includes a chance to see how the fields are doing and how well the crops are growing. Other residents will have an opportunity to play cards while the van is gone. There is Bingo in the evening. It is also National Hot Dog Day so you may want to partake of that all-American meal. Can you believe this is already the last week in August??? That means it is time for the Auxiliary Birthday party on Tuesday – Riverside Church will be the hostess. We will have a Sing A-Long on Wednesday morning followed by Crafts in the afternoon. The residents will be making a colorful window hanging. Its men’s Club Thursday morning followed by Pretty Nails and Happy ½ hour. We usually have Happy ½ hour on Fridays but we have a special event planned for Friday afternoon – Joe Schmidt will be here to entertain us! Joe always puts on a first rate rootin tootin toe tapping show! There is Mass and Church on Friday morning.
There are no resident birthdays next week but three Sun Center Residents will be celebrating – LaVonne Christianson on August 27th, Carol Kost on August 28th, and Jean Cameron on August 30th. Only two staff members have birthdays next week – Taylyn Thompson on August 24th ,and Joan Holden on the 29th. Happy Birthday to all of you and enjoy your special day! Until next time … a thought for the week … Discipline is doing what needs to be done, even if you don’t want to do it …