Greetings from “The Home” front …
A big THANK YOU to everyone who attended the special supper to” Feed the Fund” last week for a new therapy dog. Crystal and Karla, members of the Lions Club in Fargo, did a great job with this event and thank you to all the volunteers who helped with set up, serving and clean up. There was a great turnout!
Thank you to Margaret Gunderson and daughters for assisting our residents during kitchen cappers as they made pumpkin pie in a bag. This is a great activity as each resident is able to make their own. Everyone agreed, it was yummy!
October is Clergy Appreciation Month and we would like to thank Pastor Dianne Krum who has serves as chaplain here at LMH. We also appreciate the local pastors who stop by to visit with our residents. A visit by their clergy means so much to them.
Congratulations to Meagan and Matt Karolus on the birth of their new son Benjamin Matthew, who was born October 11th. Both parents work here at LMH – Meagan as a CNA and Matt in our dietary department.
Monday started out with Newscurrents in the morning and cards, popcorn and adult coloring pages in the afternoon. Plus, there was Bingo in the evening. After Sit & Be Fit on Tuesday it was time for the Auxiliary Birthday party with Mayville Lutheran Church as hostess. They provided great entertainment and yummy desserts. Nancy was here for Name that Tune on Wednesday morning and in the afternoon the Maysville State DECCA students helped the residents paint creative pumpkins. A special thank you to Al & Irma Bennett for providing all the pumpkins for our residents and staff to paint. The Peter Boe 3rd graders were here on Thursday afternoon to meet their adopted grandparents. That surprise early snow storm we had last week caused their visit to be postponed until this Thursday. The children and residents had a good time getting to know each other. We also had pumpkin races and bingo later on. Friday brings Mass and Church in the morning and the American Legion/VFW will be here for $$$ Bingo in the afternoon. We certainly appreciate all that these men and women do to bring some extra fun to our residents. Money bingo is a very popular activity and we get a huge turnout for it. There is a rhyming activity planned for Saturday morning and then the residents will be making a pumpkin craft. We also have a special movie at 3 p.m. in the activity room and Kaffee Hus from 2-3:30 on both Saturday and Sunday in the dining room.
We are playing Halloween Trivia on Sunday. There is newscurrents, cards and Kitchen Cappers on Monday. The residents will be making Marshmallow Witches during Kitchen Capers and after that we will be playing Halloween 5 square. Tuesday brings Sit & Be Fit and Rhythm Band. On Wednesday it’s choir in the morning followed by Bunco in the afternoon. On Halloween we will be having a special Halloween Party featuring music by the Hayshakers – everyone is encouraged to wear a costume. The children in the community are invited to participate in Trick or Treating here at LMH from 3:30 to 4:30 pm. Our residents enjoy seeing the children dressed in their costumes and we will be handing out candy to everyone. Please stop by and be part of the festivities.
Our sympathy to resident Carol Moen on the passing of her son Paul. May he rest in peace.
I missed a few birthdays last week while I was gone. Belated birthday wishes to Courtney Priddie whose birthday was October 12; LeeAnn Strand’s birthday was October 15, Stacey Nosbusch celebrated hers on October 16th and Ashley Odden blew out the birthday candles on October 17th. Sun Center resident Frances Braaten had her birthday on October 19th.
Next week Resident Wes Laughery’s birthday is October 27th and Jim LeClair’s is October 30th. Sun Center Resident Barb Gilbertson celebrates on October 27th. Two staff members also have birthdays to finish out the month of October – Carol Lande on October 24 and Leslie Zapata on October 31st. Happy Birthday to all of you and enjoy your special day.
Until next time … a thought for the week … you are never too old to set another goal.