Paisley Neilson shows the balloon that was made for her by Nancy Bjerke during the Balloon Twisting Demonstration at our County Fair.

Greetings from “The Home” front …

I think we will need to start building an ark during our craft activity if this weather continues.

Don’t forget to mark your calendar on Wednesday October 16 for the benefit to help purchase a successor dog to our therapy dog Scooby. There will be barbeques, chips, desserts and more available in Sun Center East from 5-7 p.m. Please come and help support this worthwhile project. The residents always light up when Scooby comes to visit them. Scooby is getting older and will eventually need to be replaced. This benefit will help defray some of the cost of a new therapy dog.

Pam was here on Sunday to sing and play her guitar in the chapel. Then Elaine came for Newscurrents on Monday and in the afternoon, we had guests from the May/Port Senior Centers who played cards with some of our residents. We finished out the day with horseshoes and bingo. Special thank you to Elaine Klath who played the piano for rhythm band on Tuesday. Earlier in the morning Andrea led Sit & Be Fit Wednesday brought “Just Sayin” – a word association game and then Bunco in the afternoon. Pastor Diane led Bible Study on Thursday morning and then there was a special bridal shower for CNA Cindy Gee who will be married in less than two weeks. Later in the day we played Noodle Ball and Bingo in the evening. Father Bob was here for Catholic mass on Friday morning and Pastor Diane led a Protestant service before dinner. After dinner it was time for Pretty Nails and Happy ½ hour. We will be reminiscing about our home towns on Saturday and then playing Bingo in the afternoon. There is Kaffee Hus from 2-3:30 on both Saturday and Sunday in the dining room and also a 3 p.m. movie matinee in the activity room.

I heard wonderful feedback on our County Fair last week – the residents had a fun time seeing all the exhibits and playing “carnival” games plus the delicious desserts afterward. Special thanks to our volunteers who helped make this event such a success – Nancy Cunningham, Sheryl Vinje, Barb Gilbertson, Ina Paulson, Shirley Olson and Gail Halvorson. Also here are the winners of our Achievement Day exhibits – Linda Knudsvig in Crafts with a cross stitch picture; Janet Neilson in the Baked Goods category with her rhubarb custard bars; In Produce Category LeeAnn Strand was a winner with her gourds. In the sewing category – Janice Erickson with her beautiful quilt. Nancy Bjerke won the Photography Category and Jessica Moch won in the canned goods exhibit with her delicious salsa. Congratulations to all the participants and everyone who participated was a winner.
I also heard rave reviews of the wonderful auxiliary birthday party hosted by our Lady of Peace Catholic Church. They had the 4th graders from Peter Boe Elementary school come and sing and then served a delicious selection of desserts. You ladies have certainly set the bar high for future birthday parties!!!

Next week there is Newscurrents and cards on Monday along with craft time. The residents will be making ghost suckers plus men’s club later in the afternoon. There is also Bingo in the evening. We have Sit & Be Fit and Rhythm Band on Tuesday. After Resident Council on Wednesday morning there will be a farewell party for Social Worker Jessica Nelson who has taken a job with Traill County. Thursday brings down memory lane and our first visit by the Peter Boe 3rd graders when they come to meet their “adopted” grandparents. This is a great activity that matches the young students with one our residents for the entire year. The students come once a month and visit and play games with their adopted grandparent. It is a win win situation for everyone. After mass and church on Friday it’s time for Pretty Nails and Bowling.

I missed a few birthdays last week while I was gone – Belated birthday wishes to Sandy Braaten who had a birthday on October 2nd and staff members Jessica Moch, Kaitlin Leier and Ryan Carey who all had birthdays on October 3rd. Next week the following residents have birthdays: Herb Vosper on October 6, Gary Nickel on October 8 and Vern Willeson on October 11th. Staff member Katy Clawson has her birthday October 5th and Sue Tastad has hers on October 11th. Best wishes to all of you and enjoy your special day.

Our sympathy to the friends and family of Pearl Forsgren and Gene Gehrke. Pearl passed away September 24 and Gene died September 29th. Pearl was with us briefly and enjoyed doing the daily crossword puzzle and visiting with staff. Gene enjoyed visiting with family and staff, listening to music and watching TV. Rest in Peace Pearl and Gene - you will be missed.

Until next time … a thought for the week … you are never too old to set another goal …