Greetings from “The Home” front …
WOW!!! We have some nice changes in the Activity Room – we got a fresh coat of paint this week – an “in color” light grey plus new window coverings will also be arriving soon. It is amazing what a little paint will do to make everything much more cheerful!
There are also some new “fresh” faces around the front desk and hallway. Deb Pederson and Jaiden Denault have been hired as our front desk evening receptionists. You will be able to meet them when you come to visit after regular hours. Jason Holkesvig is our new maintenance person. Be sure to say “Hi” when you see him in the hallway.
In addition to getting the activity room painted, we had some fun events this week. Monday there was Remember Songs About Summer (how about In the Good Ole Summertime, Summer in the City by the Lovin Spoonful and California Girls by the Beachboys!!!). We served popcorn in the afternoon plus had a rousing game of Bunco. Tuesday brought Newscurrents then a Quiz about August – who or what was the month of August named after??? And what is the birth flower for August?? (Answers at the bottom of the column). The activity gals also served lemonade on the patio. Can you Picture This was the morning activity on Wednesday – residents looked at a picture and then made up a stories about it. The craft project for Wednesday afternoon was a flower decorated initial of the resident’s name. Pastor Deb was here for Bible Study on Thursday plus there was Pretty Nails, Name 10 and Bingo in the evening. We had Church on Friday morning followed by $$$ Bingo hosted by the American Legion/VFW. It was SO GREAT to have the men (and women) back to play Bingo with our residents – it was one of our most popular activities and we have not been able to do it for over a year!!!! On Saturday we have Sit & Be Fit, Bingo, and a Movie Matinee.
We had several staff members recognized for Years of Service last week. Congratulations to Carole Lande – 50 years!!!! Susan Tastad – 40 years; Wanda Freadrich – 30 years; Inez Olson – 25 years; Jeanne Walden and Jessica Moch – 20 years. Those receiving 10-year pins were: Eric Eken, JoAnn Studlien, Kim Cantore and Dawn Demarce. Staff with 5 years of service include: Heather Champine, Deborah Sletten, Alyssa Eichhorn, Heather Satrom, Leticia Clagg, Matt Karolus and Kiana Meyer.
Next week we have coloring in the morning on Monday followed by a sightseeing trip around Portland/Mayville. We have had to postpone several of our van trips because of the extreme hot weather so the residents are looking forward to this one. There is Bingo in the evening. After Newscurrents on Tuesday morning there will be a Retirement Party for Elaine Aune. Elaine has been in the activity department for over 29 years. Best Wishes Elaine – You Deserve It!!! Nancy will play for Name That Tune on Wednesday and the residents will make a Sunflower picture during crafts. There is Easy Does It Trivia on Thursday followed by Pretty Nails and Noodle Ball. Friday brings Church with Pastor Deb and Happy ½ hour in the afternoon.
We have some super fun activities planned for the upcoming weeks. We will be celebrating Homecoming September 13-17th with Pajama Day on Monday, Groovy Decade on Tuesday, Wacky Wednesday on Wednesday, A Color War on Thursday and Sports Teams on Friday. Residents and Staff are encouraged to join in the fun with clothing appropriate for that particular day!
Then in October we are planning a Fall Carnival with exhibits, games, a food fair, prizes and lots more. I will have more information as the time approaches but it sure sounds like fun!
We have one August staff birthday left this month – Shyanne Kaml on August 30th. Resident Dale Wamstad has a September 4th birthday and staff members Rachel Balstad and Carol Carpenter have September birthdays – Rachel on September 2nd and Carol on September 4th. Happy Birthday to all of you and enjoy your special day!
Until next time … a thought for the week … The key to success is not through achievement but through enthusiasm … Answer to August Quiz: Emperor Augustus named the month of August after himself and the Gladiolus is the August birth flower.