Greetings from the "Home" front
It was Fall Carnival Time at LMH this week and what fun we had!!! On Monday everyone enjoyed Apple Nachos and a chance to have their picture taken at the photo booth. There was also a Resident Council meeting and Bingo in the evening. Residents and Staff enjoyed mini corndogs and donuts on Tuesday followed by “Booze” and Tattoos. The “Booze” was actually root beer and the tattoos were removeable temp ones! In the morning there was Newscurrents and then a Singalong in the afternoon. Nancy played piano for Name That Tune on Wednesday and we followed with Ice Cream Sundaes. Staff also went shopping for the residents. Popcorn, Peanuts and Lemonade were available on Thursday. Pastor Deb was here for Bible Study in the morning and the ladies got their nails done at Pretty Nails. Plus, Bingo in the evening. We also had a variety of carnival games going all day. These included a ring toss, ping pong, Hole in One and a Hot Wheels Race! After Church on Friday there was special music provided by Larry Charon. He puts on a great performance and had all the residents tapping their feet and clapping to the music. Cotton Candy and Cheese Curds were also available to taste test. Molly is here on Saturday for Sit & Be Fit and Bingo. The residents will also play Acorn Categories which is similar to our 5 Square game but this time residents have to come up with words starting with the letters A-C-O-R-N that have to do with fall. Molly is back on Sunday for Double O Fill in the Blank where we will be thinking of words that have a double “oo” in them – you’d be surprised how many there are!
The fun continues next week with October Wheel of Fortune on Monday. Pat and Vanna were invited and hopefully they will be here. There is also Rhythm Band, Noodle Ball and Bingo in the evening. On Tuesday, we have Newscurrents in the morning and then special music by Paul Swanstrom . My favorite game (Bunco) is also scheduled for later in the afternoon. There is Choir on Wednesday morning and in the afternoon, the residents will make a ghost door hanging. Thursday brings Bible Study in the morning, Pretty Nails, Trick Categories and Bingo are also on the schedule. Pastor Deb leads Church on Friday morning and we have our wonderful American Legion/VFW guys and gals here to play $$$ on Friday afternoon. I know the dining room will be full of excited bingo players.
October 4 thru 10 was National Healthcare Food Service Week. Just think about having to cook three meals a day for over 80 people at each setting 365 days a year! A special thank you goes out to these special people who help keep our residents (and staff) nourished and healthy – Courtney Archambeau, Bryce Bergeron, Donovan Blatcher, Leticia Clagg, Ryker Crawford, Eric Eken, Kyle Eken, Pamela Eken, Ester Gamez, ChiChi Hoffman, Jeric Houdek, Mathew Karolus, Danielle Kath, Stacey Nosbusch, Erika Onerheim, Nikki Onerheim, Kenew-Kiew Oshkosh, Tony Pena, Katie Sayler and Susan Tastad. We appreciate all of you!!!
There are no resident birthdays next week and only two staff birthdays. Ashley Odden on October 17 and our own activity assistant Chichi Hoffman on October 20th. Happy Birthday to both of you and enjoy your special day.
Our sincere sympathy to resident Dorothy Holmstad on the passing of her son, Paul. May he rest in peace.
Until next time … a thought for the week …. Go the extra mile – it’s never crowded …