Greetings from “The Home” front ….
We had great news this past week – all of the Covid-19 tests from staff, residents and tenants of Sun Center came back negative!! Whoop! Whoop! We get tested again on Wednesday 1/20 and if those results all come back negative, we hope to be able to lift some restrictions. It’s been a long road and this is just the beginning – we have a long way to go so please wear your mask, wash your hands and practice social distancing.
We celebrated Martin Luther King’s birthday on Monday with an informational display. The coffee cart went around just before Sit & Be Fit. The residents wrote letters to their Peter Boe Pen Pals in the afternoon and played Bingo in the evening. There was Newsscurrents on Tuesday followed by Resident Council and Rhythm Band. The residents sure enjoy Rhythm Band where they can shake bells, tambourines, maracas or just tap their feet and clap. It’s a fun time for everyone. Molly was here for Crafts on Wednesday – the residents made a cute snowman card to send to friends or family. Men’s Club met in the morning. Pastor Deb came for Bible Study Thursday morning and the ladies got their nails done in the afternoon. There was virtual Mass and Church on Friday and then we celebrated TGIF with Happy ½ hour. We have Sit & Be Fit on Saturday morning followed by Bingo in the afternoon. It was nice to have Elaine Aune back to do an activity on Sunday for Trivia and she will be back again this Sunday for Down Memory Lane.
Next week we have Sit & Be Fit on Monday morning followed by my favorite game – Bunco. There is also Bingo in the evening. Newscurrents and Rhythm Band are on the schedule for Tuesday. Nancy plays for Name That Tune on Wednesday followed by Water Color Crafts in the afternoon. It will be a fun time on Thursday morning when the residents play Noodle Ball – there is always lots of laughter as they try to hit a balloon with those long foam pool noodles. The ladies will get their nails done in the afternoon. After Mass and church on Friday we will be serving popcorn to all the residents and staff.
A special thank you goes out to Orien and Elaine Klath and the Thrivent Action Team. Orien and Elaine used Thrivent Action money to purchase enough ice cream, toppings and all the extras so that every resident at LMH, Sun Center tenants and LMH staff could enjoy Banana Splits. Thank you again as we all enjoyed that special treat!
Another thank you goes out to Terry Bachmeier of Mesa, Arizona who donated 9 books to our LMH library. The books are of special interest to our men and I know they will be enjoyed and appreciated. Thanks for thinking of us here in Mayville.
We have two resident birthdays next week both on January 25th – Lorraine Olson and Jim Lyng. Sun Center Resident Lorraine Gotteberg also has her birthday on the 25th. And Earl Nelson’s is January 30th. Staff Member Dawn Demarce’s birthday is January 27, Roxee Wellcome’s is January 30th and Codi Krueger’s is January 31st.
BUT WE HAVE A SUPER DUPER AWESOME WONDERFUL PERSON CELEBRATING HIS BIRTHDAY ON January 24th. Drum Roll Please …. Walter Rindy turns 104 on January 24th. Walter lives in Sun Center Apartments, still enjoys the activities and baking cookies plus coming down to visit his wife Vi who is a LMH resident. Best Birthday wishes to you Walter – may you enjoy many more!!!
Until next time … a thought for the week …. Stay calm, laugh, love and live it up because this is the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be again ….