Greetings from “The Home” front …
It has been a hot and sizzling week!! Not only was the weather hot but our activities were hot (meaning FUN), our entertainer on Tuesday was hot (meaning great) and our residents are hot (meaning wonderful!).
We started on Monday with an old-fashioned Spelling Bee with a new twist. Molly used homophones (words having same pronunciation but different meanings) – the residents had to spell the word and then use it in a sentence. There was lots of laughter with some of the definitions. During reminisce the residents learned the history of kites which were first believed to have been made in Asia. Some of them reminisced about flying kites as children and even making their own out of newspaper. During Pop on the Patio our activity director Lisa Nelson and activity assistant ChiChi were able to fly a special kite. This was a wedding present to one of our staff members (35 years ago) and she had never been able to see it flying. What a special treat! The evening brought a hot game of Bingo. There was Newscurrents on Tuesday morning followed by the wonderful music of Joe Schmidt. Joe puts on such a rousing musical performance – he had everyone tapping their toes and clapping their hands. Afterwards we played a game of 5-Square. The Men’s Club met on Wednesday and the men made paper airplanes and then tried to fly them through a target to win points. During Crafts in the afternoon, the residents made peanut butter/bird seed hangers to put in the trees outside their windows for the birds to eat and enjoy. Thursday was National Ice Tea Day so naturally we served ice tea both on the patio and in the activity room. The ladies also got their nails painted on Thursday and there was Bingo in the evening. Friday brought Church with Pastor Deb followed by Happy ½ hour. On Saturday there is Sit & Be Fit in the morning and then Bingo and a Movie Matinee.
Elaine will be here on Sunday to start off the week with Easy Does It Trivia and then Lawrence Welk is on TV in the evening. Monday the 14th is Flag Day and residents and staff are encouraged to dress in red, white and blue. We will learn some Fun Flag Facts and have a demo on how to properly fold the flag. Nancy leads a Patriotic Sing Along in the afternoon. We also will have a Resident Council meeting and Bingo in the evening. It will be a full fun day! On Tuesday there is Newscurrents and the van will be going out for a sightseeing trip around the area. Later there is Name That Tune. Wednesday brings a new activity called Musical Balls – it is similar to musical chairs only you pass a ball around and whoever is stuck with it when the music stops is “out”. There is also Crafts in the afternoon. Pastor Deb will be here for Bible Study on Thursday morning and the ladies will get their nails done in the afternoon. We are also having Happy ½ hour. Pastor Deb is back for Church on Friday and then we have a Men’s Retreat planned for the afternoon plus a rousing game of Bunco.
We had a special visitor on Monday when “Princess” a dog from Jud North Dakota Service Dogs for America came for a visit and to check out our facility. Our therapy dog Scooby is nearing retirement and we are looking for a new dog. I will have more information on our new dog as it becomes available.
A super big THANK YOU goes out to the family of Herb Vosper who donated money in Herb’s Memory for us to be able to purchase a new vending machine for the staff break room! What a wonderful gift and one that is truly appreciated – especially by everyone who used to rock and shake the old one in order to get their bag of chips!! Thank you so much and blessed be the memory of Herb.
We have one resident birthday next week – June Hanson on June 17th. Down in Sun Center Apts Lois Anderson will also be celebrating her birthday on June 17th. AND one staff member, Kira Oxton, has her birthday on – guess what day – June 17th!!! Staff member Amy Ramstad celebrates her birthday before these three on June 14th. Happy Birthday to all of you and enjoy your special day!
Until next time … a thought for the week … The only thing that ever sat its way to success was a hen …