Greetings from “The Home” front …
What a great day we had to visit Rainbow Gardens on Monday – Mother Nature teased us in the morning with rainy weather but then she smiled down on us in the afternoon. The gardens were beautiful as ever and our residents enjoyed going around seeing the flowers and sculptures. Special thanks to our volunteers –Wilma Nelson, Shirley Olson, Linda Kaldor, Ina Paulson and Janice Hoyt who helped push wheelchairs so that everyone could enjoy the afternoon.
Tuesday brought Sit & Be Fit in the morning and rhythm band in the afternoon. We had a special treat on Wednesday when Scott Strand gave a presentation on hang gliding. He told how a hand glider works. Central Valley Parish vacation bible school students put on a wonderful performance on Thursday morning. Thank you everyone for sharing your talents with us. Thursday afternoon was PIE DAY – we had a good turn out and bidding was hot and heavy for our silent auction items. A big thank you to everyone who attended and supported this major fund raiser for LMH. Rodger French brought a drone for the residents and staff to see. He told how a drone works and gave us much information on their uses. Friday brought church, pretty nails and happy half hour. There will be “real” bingo on Saturday at 2 p.m. plus kaffee hus from 2-3:30. The Saturday movie matinee is “The Three Stooges” – what can I say about that!!! We all remember their crazy antics!
Next week we have newscurrents in the morning on Monday and then the van is going to ShopKo for some retail therapy. The Auxiliary Birthday party is on Tuesday – can it already be that time of the month – seems like we were just celebrating 4th of July. Highland Church will be our hostess. It’s Wheel of Fortune and Kitchen Cappers next Wednesday. The residents will be making Mini Blueberry Cheesecakes – sounds yummy! Thursday brings name that tune, reading and lemonade on the patio. The American Legion/VFW will be here Friday for real bingo. Can you believe it is already the end of the month!!! OH MY!!!!
Again a special thank you to everyone who participated in our Pie Day – the silent auction items were spectacular and brought many high bids. The pies were delicious and plentiful. We appreciate all the support from the community for this event. Looking forward to seeing you again next year.
We have three resident birthdays this coming week – Happy birthday to Dorothy Overmoen (July 24), Dorothy Bennet (July 25) and Irene Lidstrom (July 26). Sun Center resident Gladys Fugleberg has a birthday on July 25th also. Staff members celebrating birthdays next week include Sidney Winsand (July 23), Heather Champine and Keith Grant (July 25), Julie Winger (July 26), and Rahni Smith (July 28th). Best wishes to all of you and enjoy your special day!
Until next time … a thought for the week … not being a coffee drinker myself, but liking tea …I thought this was appropriate … life is like a cup of tea – it’s all I how you make it …. Have a great week!!!