Greetings from “The Home” front

We had a nice van trip to ShopKo on Monday for some retail therapy.  The weather was perfect and the residents found many treasures.  Highland Church hosted the Auxiliary birthday party on Tuesday.  There was special music by Wendell Rose who sang and played the guitar.  The residents certainly enjoyed hearing some of those old time songs and hymns.  After Wheel of Fortune on Wednesday we settled down and made Mini Blueberry Cheesecakes during Kitchen Cappers in the afternoon. And yes, of course, they turned out delicious!  There was still time for a rousing game of Bunco later on.  Thursday brought Name that Tune, Reading and lemonade on the patio. A special thank you to Chris Larson who lead our church service Friday morning – good job Chris!  The American Legion/VFW were here on Friday afternoon for “real” bingo.  The dining room is always packed when they come to call the numbers and pass out $$$.  There is crosswords and kaffee hus on Saturday.  Our Saturday movie matinee is a “Fishing Funnies” video.  We also are having special music on Sunday at 2 p.m. when Vicki Heiler comes to perform in the chapel.  This event is open to the public and we hope you will join us.

We would also like to send out a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our Pie Day event – the churches that provided the pies, the groups and individuals who donated items to the silent auction and to the community members who showed up to support Luther Memorial Home Auxiliary.  Pie Day was a success and we appreciate your support.

The van is making another trip to Rainbow Gardens to see the beautiful flowers and sculptures on Monday afternoon.  Hopefully Mother Nature will cooperate.  The August schedule is not out yet but I am sure there will be many fun activities for our residents to enjoy.  Watch for our events in next week’s column! 

August 9th is our Family Picnic – there will be burgers, salads and much much more.  This is a great time to spend with your loved one and also visit with the families of other residents.  More information to follow but did want you to know the date so you can mark your calendar for this fun event.

Congratulations to Alexis Franco who has been hired as our new scheduling coordinator.  Alexis is already on the job learning her new position.  Nancy Carlson, RN from Northwood has been hired as our new Director of Nursing. She will arrive on August 28th to begin her new role.  Best wishes to both of you.

We had a couple of staff and resident birthdays to finish out the month – Happy Birthday to Fyrne Berthold who celebrates her birthday on July 29th.  Staff members Sharon Domier and Kyle O’Brien also have July birthdays – Sharon on July 30 and Kyle on July 31.  Resident Esther Slaughter has an August 4th birthday next week.  Staff members who were August babies include Rebecca Hodgson (August 1), Genelle Dale (August 3), Nicole Sylskar and Lydia Koshney (August 4th) – Best wishes to all of you and enjoy your special day!

Until next time … a thought for the week … When you are going through something hard and wonder where God is – remember the teacher is always quiet during a test …