Greetings from “The Home” front …
It’s been a tough few days but we made it! As many of you know the Christmas Grinch (aka flu) has been going around LMH and the residents were confined to their rooms over the holidays. We are hoping by the time you read this that the visitor ban has been lifted and residents are attending activities again. However, as a reminder – if you don’t feel well or have a cough or cold – please don’t come to visit. Residents are welcome to get e-mails and cards.
Santa was able to visit and deliver gifts to each and every resident in their rooms. Thank you Santa, you sure brought a lot of smiles…… Pam came over the weekend to sing and play her guitar for residents in their rooms. Molly was here on Christmas Day offering hand massages and visiting with residents.
The staff has been busy making visits and offering activities in residents rooms. We found many uses for socks during Reminisce on Wednesday. Some unique ideas included draft stoppers under doors, sock puppets and dryer balls! The ladies got “gussied up” for New Years with Pretty Nails Thursday afternoon.
Next week we start New Year’s Day with Newscurrents in the morning followed by New Year’s Wheel of Fortune. There is also Bingo in the evening. Sit & Be Fit (just in time after all those Christmas cookies) is scheduled for Tuesday and Rhythm Band in the afternoon. We will be reminiscing about Snow Stories on Wednesday and crafts in the afternoon. There is also a rousing game of Bunco planned for later in the day. Nancy leads Name That Tune on Thursday and we will be taking down our beautiful Christmas decorations and storing them for another year. There is Bingo in the evening. Friday brings church, pretty nails and happy ½ hour.
We have two resident birthdays this week. Duane Lyng has a birthday on December 30 and Elaine Viken was a New Year’s Eve baby with her birthday on December 31. There are three staff members with end of the month birthdays – LaDonna Patraw (December 30), Ilene Larson and Maya Taylor on December 31st. No resident birthdays the first week of January but several staff celebrate their special day. Bayley Thoren (Jan 2), Kim Cantore (Jan 4) Paige O’Connor and Adam Edwards (Jan 5). Happy Birthday and Best Wishes to all of you. Enjoy your special day!
Until next time … a thought for the week … The only time you should look back is to see how far you’ve come … Happy New Year Everyone!