Cookie Contest Winners: Nancy Bjerke, Stacey Nosbusch, and LeAnn Strand
Mary Lou Aamold shows her love of horses. Jay and Rebecca Hodgson lead their pony around for to residents pet. There was lots of smiles and reminiscing of years gone by.

Greetings from “The Home” front

WOW!!! What a fun and busy time we’ve had celebrating National Nursing Home Week!  Congratulations to Nancy Bjerke who won our Chocolate Chip Cookie Tasting Contest on Monday.  The judges thought all the cookies were flavorful – just the way a cookie should be.   We also had our local talent show on Monday afternoon.  Several residents and staff participated – among the performers were Don Grage and Nancy Bjerke, Elaine Aune, Linda Anderson, Otto Hoel, Avis Karlstad, Dale Wamstad and Pam Sedler, Jeanne Walden and Destiny Fogderud. Several staff, volunteers and a few residents all got together to do the Chicken Dance. A special thank you to staff members Jay and Rebecca Hodgson for bringing their pony, donkey and rooster, and to Mitch and Shelby Krueger for bringing in their 2 Great Danes for our petting Zoo. The residents so enjoyed them.  Wednesday was a very special day as we had Staff Recognition for those staff members who were nominated as Caregiver of the Year and those achieving milestones in years of service.  We also had a staff and their family picnic in the Wednesday night.  It was a 50s theme on Thursday with special music by Larry Charron and the serving of Root Beer Floats.  I felt as those I was back at a Sock Hop! We celebrated the Spirit of America on Friday with residents and staff wearing red/white/blue.  There was a patriotic sing along lead by Elaine Klath and happy half hour.  Saturday brings real bingo and our movie matinee is “Extreme Habitats”. This is a National Geographic video showing the extreme regions of the earth and the people and animals that live there.  The photography is said to be breathtaking.  Sounds like a good one!

Congratulations to the following staff members who were nominated “Caregivers of the Year”: Colvin Abler, Tara Anderson (nominated by three people!), Joshua Balstad, Nancy Bjerke (nominated by two people), James Cleveland III, Shaylyn Cordova, Michelle Elliott, Wanda Freadrich, Shaunna Gienger, Julie Johnson, Mitchell Krueger, Amanda Landa, Molly Lenaburg, Jessica Moch, Joel Piatz, LeeAnn Strand, Brett Ulrich, Sidney Winsand and All the Staff.

As we go to press, I do not have the names of the staff with milestone years of service but promise to let you know in next week’s column.
We begin another week with Newscurrents and a sightseeing Van trip around town – of course, that always includes a stop at the drive in for ice cream cones.  Tuesday it’s the Auxiliary Birthday Party with Bruflat as the hostess.  I am excited about Wednesday because Mary and her gang of quilters are putting on a Quilt Show in the chapel.  The show is open to the public and begins at 2 p.m.  All are welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful quilts. The residents will also be working in the courtyard getting our flower beds planted so that we can have beautiful flowers all summer long.  Thursday brings choir, pretty nails and Bunco.  It must be getting towards the end of the month because the American Legion/VFW will be here on Friday for bingo.

We have a few resident birthdays next week – LaVerne Burke (May 22), Marie Tollefsrud (May 24) and Beverly Basol (May 26th).  Two staff members also celebrate birthdays next week: Pam Sedler (May 23) and Jessica Nelson (May 24th).   Happy Birthday to all of you and enjoy your special day!

Until next time … thought for the week …  Real happiness comes from inside.  No one can give it to you!