Greetings from “The Home Front” -
What a beautiful day we had Monday when the van took several residents to Rainbow Gardens to view the flowers and sculptures. The weather was perfect and everyone had a great time! Special thanks to our volunteers who helped push wheelchairs so that all of our residents could enjoy the sights. Also, a special thank you to the volunteers who tend Rainbow Garden with pruning, picking, planting and mowing. The gardens looked absolutely beautiful.
In addition to the van trip on Monday there was a food committee meeting and newscurrents plus Lotion in Motion and bingo in the evening. It certainly was a full and fun day. Tuesday brought Sit & Be Fit in the morning and rhythm Band in the afternoon. We played Name That Tune on Wednesday morning and the crafty ladies (and men) made abstract circle greeting cards during crafts in the afternoon. Thursday was a special day because we invited our local veterans to join the men for coffee in the afternoon. We also had reading and Hula Hoop Dice Game (oh MY!!). Friday brought mass and church in the morning and popcorn and pretty nails in the afternoon. There is Kaffee Hus from 2-3:30 on Saturday and our Saturday movie matinee at 3 p.m. is “8 Below”. This is a 5-star movie about a Dr/Scientist who is forced to abandon his eight beloved sled dogs in the brutal Antarctic. It is a story about hope, friendship and most of all, never giving up.
Next week we start out with newscurrents on Monday morning followed by kitchen cappers in the afternoon. I have not heard what our resident cooks will be making but I am sure it will be yummy. There is Sit & Be Fit and Rhythm Band on Tuesday. We have Bingo on Wednesday morning and then the van is going to Dollar General for some retail therapy! This is a chance for our residents to “get out” and see what is new in the store plus buy a few items for themselves. This is a popular bus trip. There is bible study on Thursday morning followed by Pie Day in the afternoon. We will also reminisce during Down Memory Lane. On Friday its mass, church, pretty nails and happy ½ hour.
As I mentioned above – Thursday July 19th is Pie Day with a silent auction here at LMH. This is hosted by our LMH Auxiliary. We will have several delicious pieces of pies to choose from and everyone is welcome. It’s a free will offering to enjoy pie and ice cream and a chance to visit with your friends and neighbors. Please mark your calendars for this special event. Also be sure to check out (and bid) on the wonderful silent auction items.
Since “The Home Front” did not get printed last week (that darn deadline!!) - you missed several birthdays – residents Mary Lynne (July 4), Delberta Rossignol (July 12) and Gayle Brown (July 13) all had birthdays. Sun Center resident Andrew Berg had his birthday July 13th. Staff members with birthday last week included Carol Romaniuk (July 1), Sue Piatz (July 3), Kristi Parrish (July 7), Shelly Aune (July 11) and Suzanne Olson (July 13). Belated birthday wishes to all of you and I hope you enjoyed your special day!
Upcoming next week are several birthdays. Residents Eleanor Wiegand (July 14), Evelyn Kennedy (July 17) and Donna Bakkum (July 20). Staff members celebrating next week include Anna Bradner (July 15), Jordan Eken, Jackie Ulrich and James Cleveland all on July 19th, Dana Norman (July 20) Joel Piat (July 21) and Anna Sandy (July 22). Happy Birthday to all of you!!! Make it a special day!
We are saddened by the passing of one of our longtime Mayville/Portland residents: Carole Amb who died July 9th. Carole attended and participated in many of our activities from shopping to music to crafts to reminisce. She was also a very thoughtful and giving person. On a personal note, she recently gave me her devotion book so that when I visited other residents I could read special devotions to them. I will cherish that book and think of Carole when I read from it. Rest in Peace – you will be missed.
Until next time … a thought for the week … Happiness is an attitude. We can either make ourselves miserable or happy. The amount of work it takes is the same …