Greetings from “The Home” front …

Our first week of outdoor visitations went very well! I know both the residents and their families enjoyed seeing each other (even at 6 feet distance). We hope to be able to expand visitations in the near future.

A special thank you to Stephanie Dale and her two nieces Sophia and Ava who made 4th of July wreaths to hang on residents’ doors. They did a fabulous job of coloring and the wreaths will make our hallways look so patriotic. Also, a thank you goes out to Pinnacle Quality Insight whose staff members wrote encouraging messages and sent pictures to our residents. Even though they are strangers, the residents enjoyed hearing from them and seeing family photos. After all, we are all in this pandemic together. Also, Pinnacle has a website entitled heroes for where you can submit stories about amazing caregivers that you know – check it out.

Limited group activities continue to occur, while exercising social distancing, donning a facemask and performing appropriate hand hygiene. Activities are also live broadcast on channel #98. Pam was here on Sunday to sing and play her guitar as she went down the hallways. The residents enjoyed the live concert. On Monday morning there was Newscurrents with Andrea and Down Memory Lane in the afternoon. The residents had a good time reminiscing about favorite recipes and looking through the 1950 Betty Crocker Cookbook. And, of course, Bingo in the evening. We got in shape with Sit & Be Fit on Tuesday and in honor of Silver Linings Day staff and residents enjoyed Ice Cream treats. North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum’s official Silver Linings Day proclamation includes the following: “Whereas, long-term care staff have responded to the challenges and pressures of a pandemic by providing tireless, compassionate care; and whereas, long-term care staff are exceeding demands in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; their passion and dedication has become a silver lining during challenging times.” Congratulations to all long-term care staff………

Wednesday brought Choir in the morning and Bunco in the afternoon. Elaine read stories Thursday morning and we played Just Saying in the afternoon. Plus, there was Bingo in the evening. After Mass and church on Friday, it was time for Pretty Nails. On Saturday the residents will play 3 of the Same and Bingo. It is great to be able to have small groups come to the activity room to play games, read the paper and “hang out”. Of course, we all still have to wear masks and stay 6 ft apart – but it is a start to “normalcy”!

Can you believe we are already nearing the end of June!!! The time is going by so fast! Next week there is Newscurrents, Bingo, Sit & Be Fit, Rhythm Band and many more activities planned.

We have one resident birthday next week – and on the 4th of July too! Happy birthday to Laurel Jorgensen. There is also one Sun Center resident with a 4th of July birthday – Carol Niemeier! I wonder if their parents ever told them the fireworks and celebrations were in honor of their birthday!!! Happy July 1st birthday to staff member Carol Romaniuk.

Until next time … a thought for the week… a person who makes no mistakes never makes anything …

Stay safe Everyone – wash your hands and wear your mask!