Greetings from "The Home" front...
A big thank you to our community for all the wonderful gifts of support for our residents and staff. Jazzy Gee and the Portland PreK Daycare made cards for the residents while Margaret Gunderson’s family provided a large assortment of goodies for our staff to enjoy and Andrea Brend and Stephanie Dale brought us a large meat/cheese/cracker tray and candy. Thank you to all of you – it means so much in this unpredictable time.
Looks like the weather is finally starting to co-operate and the residents are slowly starting to go out into the courtyard. Of course, since this IS North Dakota, we could have snow and 70-degree weather all in the same day! We hope not though!
Our in-house TV channel has been such a blessing. The residents were able to hear Newscurrents on Monday morning, do exercises at Sit & Be Fit on Tuesday, hear choir on Wednesday and readings on Thursday. But best of all is the ability to hear our church service on Fridays. In addition to watching those programs, we also had additional activities in the activity room (all while observing social distancing and infection precautions). Residents were able to play Bunco on Wednesday and make May Baskets on Thursday. Others got their nails done in their rooms while we also provided relaxing hand massages. There was also Hallway Horseshoes. This pandemic is not going to stop our activities or dedicated staff.
Next week there is Newscurrents on Monday morning and a Hallway Target Toss in the afternoon. Tuesday is National Teacher Recognition Day and we have several former teachers as residents here at LMH. I am sure we will have something special planned for them. On Wednesday there is Choir in the morning and Molly will be here to do crafts. The residents will be making a paper mosaic butterfly. There is Bible Study on Thursday, Pretty Nails and then Bingo in the evening. Friday brings Church and then a Celebration for Mothers, more on that next week.
We have two resident birthdays next week – Gladys Chandler on May 3rd and Vivian Kent on May 4th. There are several staff birthdays to celebrate also – Mitch Krueger on May 1st, Linda Willie on May 2nd, Curtis Moen on May 3rd, DeAnna Kyllo on May 4th and Roel Zuniga on May 8th. Happy Birthday to all of you and enjoy your special day.
Our sympathy to the friends and family of Dennis Enger who passed away on April 26th. Dennis was with us very briefly but was well known in the community. Rest in Peace Dennis.
Until next time … a thought for the week … It’s your life – live it well.