Greetings from “The Home” front …
It is starting to look a lot like Fall – Mother Nature has been painting the leaves a beautiful color – our residents are enjoying the changing of the season – some still going out in the courtyard to sit in the sunshine even if the temperature is a bit nippy.
Monday, we had folding, coffee time and Sit & Be Fit in the morning. Did you know we have a dedicated group of approximately 8 residents who come every morning at 8 a.m. Monday through Friday to fold the towels and wash clothes that are used in our facility. They have been doing this for several years and it’s time they got some recognition – so-o-o-o WAY TO GO EVERYONE and THANK YOU for helping where it is needed. Did you hear the laughter and giggling on Monday afternoon – that was our residents playing table top hockey – it was a fun time! We had Newscurrents on Tuesday and then tuned up our voices for a Sing A-Long in the afternoon. After Sit & Be Fit on Wednesday, it was time for my favorite game – BUNCO!!! There was lots of bell ringing and laughing. Pastor Deb was here for Bible Study on Thursday and the ladies got their nails done at Pretty Nails in the afternoon. We had Mass and Church on Friday followed by Apple Trivia and Carmel Apples, thank you Adam for the beautiful apples. Did you know there are 2500 varieties of apples grown in the United States and 7500 varieties grown throughout the word. Apple trees take 4-5 year to produce fruit and Apples are a good source of fiber and contain no fat, sodium or cholesterol. I guess that old saying “An apple a day keeps the Dr away” really is true!
We have a progressive bingo winner! Esther Slaughter was the lucky winner, congratulations Esther!
Ordering from Subway was a big hit on Wednesday, the 23rd, when residents got the chance to order their favorite sub. Thank you to DeDe and the Subway crew for making everything go so smooth. Thank you to Resident Robert Robinson for treating several residents to Subway.
We would like to say Thank you to the Finley Lutheran Church quilters for the beautiful quilts that they donated to Luther Memorial Home residents.
Next week we have Sit & Be Fit on Monday, along with Bingo in the evening. There is Newscurrents on Tuesday. Wednesday is surprise day followed by Pretty Nails on Thursday. After Mass and Church on Friday, it will be time for Happy ½ hr. TGIF!!!!
We have three resident birthdays next week – Florence Syversen on October 4th, Herb Vosper on October 6th and Gary Nickel on October 8th. No Sun Center birthdays this week. And only two staff birthdays – Katy Clawson on October 5th and Caroline Wilson on October 9th. Happy Birthday to all of you and enjoy your special day!!
Until next time … a thought for the week … You’ve never lived this day before. And you never will again. Make the most of it!!! Have a great week – stay safe and please wear a mask!!