Greetings from “The Home” front …
It looks like fall has arrived! We are still able to enjoy the outside courtyard as long as we bundle up a bit!! Courtyard visits with loved ones are still available as well as indoor ones. Just be sure to call ahead and schedule a time.
We started out Monday on Labor Day with folding towels and coffee time then Sit & Be Fit right before dinner. After dinner the residents played 5 square and Bingo in the evening. We had Newscurrents Tuesday morning and Choir with Nancy in the afternoon. Our scheduled mystery meal on Wednesday will have to remain a mystery until next month as we had a schedule change, we will be celebrating 90th birthdays for Dorothy Homstad and Betty Pickar. All the residents and staff were invited to celebrate and what a fun time everyone had! Thank you to their families for supplying the cake. Happy Birthday Dorothy and Betty! There was also Sit & Be Fit on Wednesday morning to get us in shape for that birthday cake. Thursday brought Horseshoes in the morning and Pretty Nails in the afternoon. Several of our residents were good horse shoe players “back in the day” and they enjoyed trying their hand again. Friday brought Mass and Church in the morning and a mosaic seed painting project in the afternoon. There is Sit & Be Fit on Saturday and Bingo in the afternoon. Plus, a Saturday movie matinee at 3 p.m.
Next week Elaine will be reading short stories on Sunday afternoon. There will be a food committee meeting on Monday morning, followed by Sit & Be Fit. The van will be going out to see the sights on Monday afternoon – keep your fingers crossed that the weather stays nice! Of course, there is also bingo in the evening. Newscurrents and Name that Tune are on the calendar for Tuesday. Wednesday brings Sit & Be Fit in the morning and more Twisted Tales in the afternoon. Twisted Tales are traditional fairy tales with alternative endings! Were Cinderella’s step sisters really as bad as she claims – maybe Cinderella was a spoiled brat???? We will have to wait and see. Pastor Deb will be here for Bible Study and visitations on Thursday morning followed by Pretty Nails in the afternoon and Bingo in the evening. After Mass and Church on Friday it will be time for Happy ½ hour. A great way to end the week!
A special thank you goes out to Melissa Molstad who organized painting sun catchers for our residents to hang in their windows. I heard several residents exclaim how cheerful it made their rooms feel and how bright the colors were. Thanks again Melissa.
We only have one resident birthday next week – Stuart Mitchell on September 15th. No Sun Center t birthdays for the rest of the month – we had all of them the first week of September. BUT we have several staff members celebrating their birthdays next week – Zach Turpin and Grace Koshney on September 13th; Monica Ellingson and Susan Kellett on September 14th; Skyyla Johnson on September 15th; Kathy Gangelhoff and Janet Nielson on September 16th; Nancy Bjerke and Sandy Braaten on September 17th and Lisa Nelson on September 18th. Happy Birthday to all of you and enjoy your special day!
Until next time … a thought for the week … Act as if what you do makes a difference – because IT DOES!