Moving into LHM?? Consider bringing the following items...


  • 7 changes of clothes (machine washable and dryable)
  • All clothes must be marked with resident’s name.

Because of the water temperature used for washing, items tend to shrink over time.  When buying new clothes it is helpful to buy clothing one size larger than usual.

  • Shirts/sweaters/sweatshirts
  • Pants
  • Socks/thigh highs/knee highs
  • Undergarments
  • Shoes 
  • Slippers with non-skid soles for during the night and bath day
  • Robe (for bath day)
  • Pajamas (3 or 4 pair)
  • Electric razor
  • Personal Hygiene items: Items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, deodorant and incontinence products are provided; however you are welcome to bring your own.

Suggested items for your room: (As space permits)

  • Recliner
  • Pictures/ Bulletin board/items to hang on wall
  • TV and/or radio (cable provided)
  • Hobby work/reading material
  • Lamp
  • Bedspread/familiar blanket
  • Telephone (Family must contact the phone company of their choice to set up service as phone service is not provided by LMH)

All rooms are supplied with a bed and night stand.

The following Items can't be in rooms for safety and health reasons.

  • Extension cords and rugs are not allowed. Power strips with surge protectors can be used for TV (not cable TV box) and Computer/Printer only per Fire Marshal.
  • Belongings may not be stored on the floor or under the bed nor can clothing be kept in a private bathroom unless it is in an enclosed container (dresser or wardrobe) per the State Health Department.
  • NO LIVE PLANTS ARE ALLOWED IN MEADOWLARK LANE.   Some extremely common plants, such as Periwinkles, Azalea, Rhododendron, Philodendron, Daffodils, Hyacinths, Spider Plant, Chrysanthemums, Mums and Aloe Vera  are toxic.