Greetings from "The Home" front ....
Our bus didn’t get to go putt putting to Clifford/Galesburg this week as it was in the bus hospital for repairs. We hope it gets better so we can make the trip at a later date. However, the residents still had fun with w/c rides outside instead. Later the men’s club met and worked on a wood project, it was so nice outside that they decided to sand in the shade. There was bingo in the evening. The residents were busy in the morning husking corn for dinner, and there was Sit & Be Fit and Rhythm Band on Tuesday. Wednesday brought a chance to reminisce about Empty Nests – you know, that time when all your kids are off to school. Are you happy or sad that they are gone???? We also played Bunco and with this nice weather we enjoyed lemonade on the patio. It was a busy time on Thursday with Name That Tune in the morning and at Kitchen Cappers in the afternoon the residents made refrigerator pickles. They are almost a fall tradition with all the fresh cucumbers available. Thank you to several staff members who donated veggies from their gardens. Friday (September 1st already!!) there was church, pretty nails and happy ½ hour. Saturday brings Kaffee Hus from 2-3:30 in the dining room and trivia at 2 p.m. in the activity room. Our Saturday movie matinee is “Ben Hur”. I don’t even have to do a movie review of this one – we all remember when it first came out in 1959 featuring big name star Charlton Heston.
Next week there is Labor Day Wheel of Fortune on Monday and bingo in the evening. Tuesday brings Sit & Be Fit, and rhythm band. The residents are going Wii bowling on Wednesday and Molly will be here with crafts in the afternoon. There is choir on Thursday along with Bunco in the afternoon and then Elaine continues her reading of Whence You Came. We have church on Friday morning and popcorn and pretty nails in the afternoon.
A reminder of some upcoming special events – Thursday September 21st is our Harvest Ball –a “prom” for our residents. Music will be by the Hayshakers. We are looking for volunteers to help with this event – so please call the activity department if you are interested – it should be a fun event. Further ahead into October there is Oktoberfest on October 15th. We will have an old fashion dessert bar and ice cream social with Music by Lane Lindseth. Raffle tickets are also available for several fabulous prizes including$200 cash and two 50 dollar gas cards. Who couldn’t use THAT!!! Tickets can be purchased from any auxiliary member or at the LMH reception desk.
We have several birthdays coming up next week starting with residents Bob Balstad on the 3rd and Dale Wamstad on the 4th. Sun Center resident Ardis Callahan on Sept 1st and Ken Eken on Sept 4th. There are also several staff members with September birthdays – Rachel Balstad and Linda Strand (Sept 2), Carole Carpenter (Sept 4), Pamela Eken and Destiny Fogderud (Sept 5th), Madisen Knudsvig (Sept 6) and Autumn Fankhanel and Lori Smith (Sept 7). WOW!!! Happy Birthday to all of you and enjoy your special day – Make it a Great One!!!
Until next time … a thought for the week: A bird sitting on a branch is never afraid of the branch breaking because its trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. Always believe in yourself!